Saturday 21. Sep. 2024, week 38
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Chilli con carne
Curried chicken with ...
Pork tenderloin stew
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Serving price: 4,30 €
Baked potato with chicken and red cabbage salad
Baked potato with chicken and red cabbage saladBaked potato:

Preheat the oven to 200º C/fan oven 180º C.

Wash the potato and cut out a "v" approx. 1 cm. deep along the potato. Sprinkle coarse salt in the ...
786 Kcal Per Serving
F: 42 g, P: 40 g, C: 66 g
3,146 Kcal (134 Kcal/100 g)
Energy for the recipe Baked potato with chicken and red cabbage salad

Serving price: 5,64 €
Baked tortellini
Baked tortelliniCook the tortellini and place in a dish. Meanwhile, dice the onion and garlic and slice the mushrooms.

Fry the chopped onion and garlic, add the tomatoes, mushrooms, cream and ham. ...
923 Kcal Per Serving
F: 31 g, P: 55 g, C: 108 g
1,845 Kcal (107 Kcal/100 g)
Energy for the recipe Baked tortellini

Serving price: 6,44 €
Baked trout in herby breadcrumbs
Baked trout in herby breadcrumbsPotato platter with almond dressing:
Preheat the oven to 225ºC/fan oven 190ºC.

Scrub or scrape the potatoes and cut them in half. Halve the tomatoes. Place the potatoes and ...
710 Kcal Per Serving
F: 22 g, P: 38 g, C: 94 g
2,839 Kcal (111 Kcal/100 g)
Energy for the recipe Baked trout in herby breadcrumbs

Serving price: 4,16 €
Barbecue chicken drumsticks with tomato salsa
Barbecue chicken drumsticks with tomato salsaPreheat the oven to 200ºC/fan oven 180ºC.

Brush the chicken with barbecue sauce and season with a little salt. Bake in the oven for 40-45 mins.

793 Kcal Per Serving
F: 37 g, P: 48 g, C: 72 g
3,170 Kcal (100 Kcal/100 g)
Energy for the recipe Barbecue chicken drumsticks with tomato salsa

Serving price: 4,16 €
Barbecue chicken with pasta and salad
Barbecue chicken with pasta and saladLight your kettle barbecue (or preheat the oven to 200º C/fan oven180º C.)

Wash the chicken and remember to make sure that the giblets have been removed. Remove any remaining ...
710 Kcal Per Serving
F: 23 g, P: 42 g, C: 85 g
2,839 Kcal (169 Kcal/100 g)
Energy for the recipe Barbecue chicken with pasta and salad

Serving price: 2,01 €
Bean soup
Bean soupPrepare and cook the white beans according to the instructions on the packet.

Chop the onion and grate the potatoes. Cut the green beans into small ...
527 Kcal Per Serving
F: 11 g, P: 26 g, C: 88 g
2,106 Kcal (81 Kcal/100 g)
Energy for the recipe Bean soup

Serving price: 3,36 €
Beef burger with roasted root vegetables
Beef burger with roasted root vegetablesFinely dice the sun-dried tomatoes. Blend with the crème fraiche, ketchup, salt and pepper. Refrigerate for approx. 1 hour and add more seasoning to taste.

Peel and coarsely chop the ...
661 Kcal Per Serving
F: 41 g, P: 37 g, C: 40 g
1,322 Kcal (129 Kcal/100 g)
Energy for the recipe Beef burger with roasted root vegetables

Serving price: 10,74 €
Beef fillet with vegetable skewers and sauce
Beef fillet with vegetable skewers and sauceTrim the meat by removing the sinews and place the beef fillet in a large freezer bag. (It should be possible to close the bag) Leave the meat to infuse for at least 3 hours.

Make a marinade ...
636 Kcal Per Serving
F: 14 g, P: 48 g, C: 73 g
2,542 Kcal (97 Kcal/100 g)
Energy for the recipe Beef fillet with vegetable skewers and sauce

Serving price: 4,56 €
Beef mince pasties with salad
Beef mince pasties with saladRinse the mushrooms well. Finely chop half of the mushrooms and dice the onions. Mix together in a bowl with the minced beef, salt and pepper. The mixture should form a ball.

Preheat the ...
663 Kcal Per Serving
F: 37 g, P: 32 g, C: 55 g
1,326 Kcal (95 Kcal/100 g)
Energy for the recipe Beef mince pasties with salad

Serving price: 3,09 €
Beef patties with sauce and hand-cut fries
Beef patties with sauce and hand-cut friesPeel the potatoes and cut into chips. Place on a baking tray lined with baking paper and toss in oil and salt.

Place the beef in a bowl and add the finely chopped rosemary, grated ...
640 Kcal Per Serving
F: 28 g, P: 43 g, C: 58 g
1,280 Kcal (94 Kcal/100 g)
Energy for the recipe Beef patties with sauce and hand-cut fries


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  • Recommended energy composition:
    Fat: 20-35%
    Protein: 10-35%
    Carbohydrate: 45-65%

    The recommendation is individual and depends on your daily activities.

    Source: (IOM) 2002

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    Daily energy needs
    Male about 11.000 kJ.
    Female about 9.000 kJ.
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Fake hare with ...
Mexican tart with ...
Buns with cardamom
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Indian chav chav
Chicken in sweet ...
Stuffed chicken breast ...
Roast beef with ...
Tiger prawns with ...
Chicken and curry ...
Rice dish

Most used ingredients

1.Sea salt
2.Black Pepper
5.Olive oil
6.Rape seed oil
7.Wheat flour
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Most viewed recipes

Roast beef with ...
Curried chicken with ...
Lasagne with béchamel ...
Steak with barbecue ...
Chicken with sautéed ...
Café burger
Ham with glazed ...
Café salad
Hokkaido mash with ...
Greek meatloaf with ...
Pork tenderloin stew
Goulash with mash
Rice dish
Chilli con carne
Mexican tart with ...
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